Lucky me, I am racking up the visitors here in Dijon. I need to open up a bed & breakfast! This time Alex Medina came to visit me. He is the son of some family friends of ours, Chris & Maggie. They go to our church and partners in crime with my parents both in and out of church. Chris & Maggie own there own hair salon, Hair On Stage and Chris is my hair stylist. I can't wait to go back to the US and get my hair done again, the right way. Chris is going to kill the dang "hair devil" here in France who fried my hair a few months back. We're still in the works of planning a secret mission to do so! Any who, Alex was out here in Europe doing some "studying" in Vienna for a month then stayed around to see some more of Europe after the program was over. He said he was studying urban design, but I think that was all a cover. Just an excuse to party a lot and take drunken photos of the city. But I won't say a word. He stayed with us for a couple of days and being the good influence that I am I threw him a welcome BBQ, took him to firework shows, took him wine tasting....all while making sure he had plenty to "drink".
Mmmmm Wine...
Wine tasting in a huge wine cellar by candle light!
Alex loved it!!

We walked over to the next little village to see a little church that a lady on the bus recommended to us because of the amazing dual sided cross they had in their garden with Jesus on one side and Mary on the other!
We walked over to the next little village to see a little church that a lady on the bus recommended to us because of the amazing dual sided cross they had in their garden with Jesus on one side and Mary on the other!
And then I saw the gate I am installing on one of my future houses!!

I can't wait until my next visitor makes it over to this side of the ocean, Ms. Melissa Unsell!!! We worked together in a company called The Traveling Vineyard doing in home wine tastings. She has since switched over to Wine Shop At Home, which is a similar concept. She will be visiting me for 2 weeks beginning Sept 12th!!! Stay tuned for the the next post!!