Here in France you have a sort of grad school for lawyers so they can become big time and even more lawyer-ish or something like that. So after deciding that being just a level one lawyer wasn't good enough, going through one year of even more hellacious studying and cramming, and after completing their first set of exams, Stephane and his fellow lawyers/classmates decided it was time to defy the law....of alcohol consumption! Naturally I felt I should join them in their endeavors.
So we started the evening eating Mexican was actually pretty decent, except for the definition they gave for a taco was that it was a sandwich from Mexico?? And their Tequila was no bueno.....but aside from that, they get an A for effort.
And they even had tortillas......
After, we worked our way to an "american" bar, they play top-40, serve Bud and Corona, and its the only bar in town that offers 2 poles to dance on!!! But you have to pry the 16 year old girls off of them first. I guess there is a perk to the american 21&up rule......
I don't know where he got these from, but they look good......on Woody Allen hahahaha
Before the drinks...
Still before the drinks hahaha
And sadly, yes.....still before the drinks
Then we went to a pirate themed bar....arggghh!
Is this what they mean when they say "Get some Booty?"
The legally tipsy lawyers
The legally blonde, tipsy lawyer groupie
The spanish girl praying for the answer to why her american friend is soooooooo strange.
But she forgot that Jesus is my Homeboy!
For the protection of the parties involved we had to keep out the more provactive and drunk photos. We wouldn't want to provide any least not until after they pass the test, muahahaha
Sorry for the delay, I was busy doing crazy things & taking photos, so I have more of your favorite blogs to write!!
This is Veronique, the American formerly known as Ceci...signing out!

1 comment:
Bravo pour les masques confectionnés à partir de tortillas : je ne savais pas comment déguiser mon fils pour Halloween, maintenant, j'ai plein d'idées pour l'année prochaine. Vive la jeunesse, éclatez-vous un max. Même si je n'ai pas votre âge, je trouve que vous avez bien raison de profiter à "donf" de tous ces bons moments. J'ajoute que je n'avais jamais vu de langues autant sorties de la bouche de quelqu'un. Bravo aussi pour la dernière photo de visages déformés qui me rappelle certaines scènes du film " les Visiteurs". Pascal de l'Alliance, le 04 novembre 2008.
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